The workshop is first of all about bringing the physical and the emotional body into alignment. The warm-up exercises help to bring awareness into the body, relax tensions and release blockages. Coming into a space of mindfulness and inner listening we feel our body becoming more alive again and our senses awakening.

In the next stage we go into movement, expanding our sense of awareness into the space around us. And later on we start interacting with others in a playful way without using language. In this way we discover the abundance of possibilities of how to communicate and connect with one another. We realize the deeper meaning of tiny interactions.

Coming from this mindful inner space into movement (with or without music) can be experienced as total bliss. Free from thoughts and ego, and the heart open and full of trust, we grasp the potential which each single moment holds for us. There is so much magic and beauty to discover once we let go of the mind. Interacting with one another in this sacred space allows us see the depth of our human nature.

We experience the power of grounding and centering our body, work with breathing, and listening to our inner stillness, use the voice as a tool for bringing our body energy into balance and harmony and awaken our senses and intuition. We explore playfulness, mime, jabber talk, movement, singing and improvised play in empty space and with props. We work individually, in pairs, small groups and with the group as a whole. We bring alive our clown and discover the power of the red nose.

The body tingles with aliveness and the mind comes to a stillpoint. It is such a happy state of being when we are fully present and our emotional and physical bodies become spacious and freed from bondage. This is truly a sacred space which is always there for us and waiting to be accessed.